Safeguarding Policy

At Chris Cleere Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, the safety and well-being of our members, particularly children and vulnerable adults, are of utmost importance to us. This safeguarding policy outlines our commitment to creating a safe and inclusive environment for everyone involved in our club. All staff, instructors, volunteers, and members are expected to adhere to this policy.

  1. Definition of Vulnerable Persons:

    • Vulnerable persons include children under the age of 18 and adults who may be at risk due to physical or mental disabilities or any other factors that could make them vulnerable.
  2. Responsibilities:

    • All staff, instructors, volunteers, and members have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of vulnerable persons involved in the club’s activities.
    • Any concerns or suspicions of abuse or neglect must be reported promptly and appropriately to the designated safeguarding officer (DSO) or the club’s management.
  3. Recruitment and Training:

    • All individuals involved in regular contact with vulnerable persons, including instructors and volunteers, will undergo a thorough background check before commencing their roles.
    • Relevant training on safeguarding, child protection, and vulnerable adult protection will be provided to staff and volunteers, ensuring they are equipped to recognise signs of abuse and respond appropriately.
  4. Supervision and Ratios:

    • Adequate supervision will be provided during training sessions, competitions, and any club-related events to ensure the safety of vulnerable persons.
    • Appropriate staff-to-participant ratios will be maintained, especially when dealing with children, to ensure proper supervision and attention.
  5. Consent and Permissions:

    • Consent will be obtained from parents or legal guardians for the participation of children in club activities.
    • For any media recording or use of personal data, explicit consent will be sought from the individuals involved or their legal representatives.
  6. Anti-Bullying Policy:

    • The club maintains a strict anti-bullying policy and will take all necessary measures to prevent and address any form of bullying or harassment among members.
  7. Communication and Reporting:

    • Clear channels of communication will be established to allow members to raise concerns about safeguarding issues.
    • All staff, instructors, volunteers, and members are required to report any safeguarding concerns to the designated safeguarding officer (DSO) or the club’s management without delay.
  8. Confidentiality:

    • All safeguarding matters will be handled with utmost confidentiality and shared only with relevant individuals or authorities on a need-to-know basis.
  9. Responding to Concerns:

    • The club will respond promptly and appropriately to any safeguarding concerns, following the guidance and protocols set by local authorities and safeguarding organisations.
    • If necessary, the club will cooperate fully with the relevant authorities during investigations.
  10. Review and Training Updates:

  • This safeguarding policy will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary to ensure compliance with changing regulations and best practices.
  • Staff and volunteers will undergo regular training updates to stay informed about safeguarding developments and protocols.


Note: You are welcome to just come and watch a class too!